My Story

I can't remember not having photography in my life.  My Dad was  a keen and accomplished amateur photographer so I grew up surrounded by  thousands of images. Early years were spent looking through piles and piles of black & white prints. Then later, whiling away the hours during wet summer holidays browsing through hundreds of colour prints and specialist photography periodicals. Often, we would be treated to cine film & slide show presentation evenings when the whole family would dress up in our Sunday best and eat popcorn while watching image after image, reel after reel of mainly family portraits and holiday footage.  Special memories certainly, but in terms of photographic technique, composition styles & igniting my interest in photography, hugely influential.

My eye for what makes a good image has been developed and nurtured  through my many career paths - such as my training and early career as a make up artist for the fashion, theatre, and beauty industries. Highlights during this time include being make-up assistant to Maggie Hunt for a Lord Patrick Lichfield shoot and many catwalk shows for London Fashion Week.

I also had a very enjoyable 8 years working in television for the Entertainment department of the BBC - starting as a Production Secretary and then progressing through the ranks to Edit Producer, a role where attention to detail was everything. Notable shows were The Generation Game, Eurovision Song Contest (1998), The Lawrence Olivier Awards and The Weakest Link. 

After having children, my next venture was in the tours industry.  I spent 7 years with BBC Tours in the various guises of Tour Guide, Operations Secretary, and Duty Tours Supervisor.  I then moved onto the Royal Albert Hall, again as a Tour Guide and Tours Supervisor.  Then Covid happened!  This gave me time for reflection, to consider what my next chapter would be.  And it was obvious really........... photography!

Between 2014-2019, much of my spare time had been spent honing my photography skills by attending various training courses, mainly with Imber Court Photo Training and British Academy of Photography,  online learning, and most importantly, by taking a more considered approach to how I capture and edit my images. The result was a portfolio of work that I felt ready to share with the wider public. So in the Autumn of 2022, I took the plunge and exhibited some of my images at the Landmark Arts Fair in Teddington.   The feedback was validating.  

So, this is me, my work, my photography, my art.  

Get in touch if you'd like to discuss a commission or to buy a print.